Starting a sock company wasn’t a childhood dream of mine. 

If I’m totally honest, I wasn’t that business woman who just KNEW that selling socks was my “ticket to the top!”

I wasn’t looking for a “ticket.” 
Instead, I felt “led” to start this company. 

This company was born out a low place in my life. 

I was…
Emotionally spent.

I had little hope at that time in my life.

One day during the height of my depression,  I recorded a FB live in tears sharing that I was going to do a 90 day challenge.

I wanted to change my situation in 90 days and I was going to set some things in motion.

One thing I knew I could change was physical movement.
I knew that moving my body would interrupt the feelings of sorrow for me.

So I started with my walk/run disciplines.

90 days later I had created a habit.

Waking up at 5am, grabbing my bright, colorful tube socks immediately provided me motivation to work out.

The socks were a reminder of hope.
The bright colors convinced me that for this brief moment of movement, I could find joy.

Running was my choice of movement.       

On every run, I grabbed my socks. 
But quickly, I realized that cotton tube socks weren’t the best socks to run in. 

As I experimented with longer distances, I experimented with different socks designs and materials. 

Subsequently, during this process, this is when I felt that I needed to bring my socks to others who were like me.  People who were also on their own wellness journey and needed a bit of light to jump start their wellness journey. 

These past two years, I’ve developed the skills to run one mile, and then it was 3 miles.  

6 miles

a half marathon 

and eventually I decided to run a full marathon. 

26.2 freaking miles! 

Be Light Compression isn’t a sock company. 
We are a wellness brand that wants you to know you are loved. 

Our desire is walk or run beside you on your journey.

We want you to feel love, light and hope as you go through life.

You are the HERO to your own story. 

As you move, our socks want to come along to cheer you on in your wellness journey.

With light and love, The Cr8zy Sock Lady.